Information in regards to prices and payment is listed on the bottom of this page. Without payment of tuition, your registration is received but incomplete.
Please note, each child is registered separately in the portal.
PreK-12 Bulgarian Heritage Language Education
ALTA Prep Courses & Custom Programs included
Full annual payment - one payment of $1,595 ($159 x 10 months, no taxes). Save 15%. An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with the PayPal payment option (see below). For the incoming 2024-2025 school year, this payment is for the total of eight hours per month of instructional time. The classes will be led by our experienced teachers with asynchronous web conferencing sessions and synchronous Bulgarian language instruction.
Semi-annual payment - $853 per semester (classes meet 8 hours per month on Sundays). An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with the PayPal payment option (see below).
10 % discount for every second, third, …. child in the family.
Payment can be submitted via the following options:
PayPal. Note: An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with this payment option. Include the student first and last name in the transfer notes to make sure we can identify your payment.
Check payable to the Bulgarian Cultural Club in Seattle| Bulgarian School of Seattle. Send the check with your payment to 11416 Slater Ave NE Suite 202D, Kirkland, WA 98033.
Full annual payment - one payment of $2,145 ($214 x 10 months, no taxes). Save 15%. An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with the PayPal payment option (see below). For the incoming 2024-2025 school year, this payment is for the total of eight hours per month of instructional time.
Semi-annual payment - $1,183 per semester (classes meet 8 hours per month on Sundays). An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with the PayPal payment option (see below).
10 % discount for every second, third, …. child in the family.
Payment can be submitted via the following options:
PayPal. Note: An additional fee of $40 is mandatory with this payment option. Include the student first and last name in the transfer notes to make sure we can identify your payment.
Check payable to the Bulgarian Cultural Club in Seattle| Bulgarian School of Seattle. Send the check with your payment to 11416 Slater Ave NE Suite 202D, Kirkland, WA 98033.